Fail Often

Success requires that we get rid of excuses and fail often!

Fail Often? Realize that without the capacity to fail and get back up, the ability to succeed does not exist!
Then when you DO fail
, when you do have that set back, when you hit that pothole… Don’t Make Excuses! Don’t Blame… LEARN!
Success requires ACTION and we must each get rid of hundreds of EXCUSES we can all use that lead to NON action.  No Excuses! Everyone has reasons for non achievement. Get rid of them!

Take Responsibility for Everything
Take responsibility for your circumstances—Are you not where you should be because everyone let you down? Stop depending on them. Choose new partners or rely more on yourself. The bottom line, is you can never control your destiny until you acknowledge that you are truly in control. Blaming outside circumstances for your situation is simply laying the groundwork for lifelong excuses for failure.  Excuses are the death knell of success in any endeavor.  Don’t use them.When you truly take responsibility, you begin to understand that you are in control and it’s easier to see and begin taking advantage of the opportunities that abound.
Realize, this doesn’t mean that things won’t go wrong.  They will.  They WILL go wrong… OFTEN!!!
What it DOES mean is DEAL with it! Unfortunately, life happens. I don’t know where it came from, but ever since I was about I had a saying that was always with me…
Life is not as it should be… It simply is as it is“. Once we understand that, it becomes much easier to make rational decisions based on reality rather than making “rationalizations” based on excuses. It doesn’t matter what it should be, it doesn’t matter what we wish it was… it ONLY MATTERS that is IS!  Make sure that you are making decisions based on what reality, IS… not based on what you wish it was.  Doing anything else is a recipe for failure.

From this day forward, take responsibility for who you are and the choices you make. It doesn’t matter where you were born, that you were a battered child or came from a broken home, or dropped out of high school, etc… even if you can honestly say, “but look at my childhood, it’s all I ever knew…”, guess what?   It doesn’t matter… It’s up to you now.  By simply acknowledging an excuse for less than optimum choices, it is also an admission that  there are better choices that you can makeMAKE THEM… JUST MAKE THEM! No matter what happened in the past, from this moment forward, it’s up to you to choose your own destiny. Get rid of the excuses and start making better choices and decisions.  Do this and you will absolutely start getting better results!

A focused hard working average intellect will beat a lazy genius EVERY TIME.
Success is not dependent on Intelligence– Now, don’t get me wrong, if you have an IQ of 80 you will not become a world renowned cardiovascular surgeon. But there are few excuses that are used so often, but are of so little consequence as “I’m just not smart enough”. 
If you are smart enough to read and understand this page, you are smart enough to become successful! Get rid of that excuse!
Intelligence is profoundly overrated. WHAT YOU DO is infinitely more important than WHAT YOU KNOW.
Your willingness to learn what you need to do AND THEN DOING IT is incomparably more vital than the ability to learn all of those things that most people won’t do
Success IS NOT about knowledge or intellect. It’s about Action.
In this society, great success can be accomplished with very AVERAGE intellect. What is required, however, is an above average work ethic and willingness to act. One of my favorite sayings it… “GREAT IDEAS ARE USELESS… UNLESS COMBINED WITH POSITIVE ACTION”.

Think about it… in your lifetime, how many great ideas have you or someone you know come up with and then even told your friends about?  But you thought of it over a beer and did not act upon it. Then later you see someone on Oprah making their fortune off “your” idea?  This scenario plays out all the time, over and over.
Have you missed out on something great, because you didn’t act?  Most of us have.  It’s not the idea… It’s the action that matters!   ACTION!  ASN is a GREAT IDEA. It’s a GREAT Company. But what would it have been without action?
The light bulb was a pretty good idea. But where would it, and Edison be if the idea wasn’t combined with about 10,000 experiments THAT FAILED?  We’d still be in the dark!  At least, until someone else with a propensity to ACT got off the couch undertook the project. And remember the ideas don’t have to be brilliant. 

Ever heard of the pet rock?!
It was a stone that was placed in a box and then sold as a “pet”. Sort of a stupid idea that was acted upon.  It made him rich!
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got.
Want to make a change? Want more out of life? There is no question, it will require new choices and new ACTIONS!

Don’t be afraid to fail!  Another essential key to success? FAIL OFTEN!If you Act, You will occasionally fail. You might even fail a lot. Edison literally “failed” over 10,000 times in the creation of the light bulb. But he had the right attitude. When he was asked about his incredible number of failures, he said, “I have not failed 10,000 times. I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that it won’t work!
If you never fail, you’re not trying hard enough… Success often comes from pushing yourself to your limits, failing, learning, getting better and then going beyond what was previously possible.  As I used to admonish my sales force on an almost daily basis…
If you are not putting yourself in a position to fail… you are not putting yourself in a position to succeed”.
Success and failure are flip sides of the same coin. If you work too hard to avoid failure, you will not experience great success. Do Not Fear Failure. It’s more that an aphorism when I say that every time you fail brings you one step closer to success.Want to succeed??  Fail and fail often.

Reacting in the Right Way is even more important than doing the right thing.
No matter what you do, and no matter how well you do it… occasionally, things will go wrong. A deal will fall apart. The sale won’t be made. The race will be lost. You’ll forget your lines. Even if you do everything right, something will occasionally go wrong!  That’s just life, get used to it.   When that happens, how you react will be infinitely more important than the fact that you did everything right.
After having done everything right but still experienced a failure, many people simply fold. They get out of the business.  They quit.
They stop trying.  They don’t realize that failure is simply a part of the natural order of things.  Failure is an unavoidable absolutely essential part of the success process.
There’s an old truism, the  only thing in life that is certain is death and taxes.  I’m here to tell you that if you have a desire to succeed, to make something better of your life and of those you love… if you strive for success, that truism evolves to “the only things in life that are certain are, death, taxes and temporary failure“.
If you want to succeed in anything, you must be willing to fail. You must realize and accept, that you WILL  fail.  Failure is nothing to be afraid of.   Embrace it.  Learn from it.
The last thing that I want say is that you can do this. You can succeed. Whether ASN, GDI, AMWAY, etc… there are many good companies with good potential. The determining factor is not simply the company or the business you choose.

The determining factor, will always, be you
It’s that attitude you carry.  The willingness to carry on, to try again in spite of the failures you will endure.
Where you are today is irrelevant. The only thing relevant and important is where you want to go, and what you are willing to do to get there.
Article By Bruce Castro All Solutions Network  

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